Spiritual Awakening with Mary Reed

Spiritual Awakening with Mary Reed

In this episode I speak with Mary Reed about her newest book, Navigating the Wondrous Holy Sh*tshow of Awakening.

Mary was once a staunch agnostic until she began experiencing spontaneous, intense mystical encounters and states of expanded consciousness, a journey she recounts in her memoir Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of the Message of Love.

In this conversation we talk about the joys and challenges of the spiritual awakening process, and the important role of those who support individuals undergoing this tumultuous experience.

Discussion about this podcast

Beneath the global crises we are facing, something truly extraordinary is happening on Earth. Planetary consciousness is shifting as humankind sheds its belief in separateness and awakens to the truth of inter-existence. In this podcast we explore this awakening to unitive consciousness that will give rise to a new world, and we celebrate the luminous web that connects us all.